Book Review #2 - The Secret History of Wonder Woman
The Secret History of Wonder Woman, B&BW Candle + Holder, Urban Outfitters Poster |
As I mentioned in this post, I have just finished The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore. Not that this is a bad thing, but this book took me a very long time to get through! Honestly about 2 months, however I was moving, starting a new job, traveling etc during that time. This doesn't mean that this was a bad book though!
It basically is a biography about the man (and his family) who originally created Wonder Woman, William Marston. As I studied American feminist history in College, I was familiar with a lot of the women talked about in this book and I had a good background on the events surrounding the creation of Wonder Woman. It's hard for me to say if someone who did not have that background, or interest, would really like this book. It is quite technical in the sense that Jill Lepore is a historian so she naturally writes with that slant, however it is a much easier read than a lot of other history books I have read in doing research!
William Marston had a very interesting life and his family was quite ahead of the times when he lived, and even now I'd say. That part I think anyone would find interesting even without the Wonder Woman background. I myself and not a reader of the comic book but I still enjoyed the bits about the process of creating Wonder Woman and the public reaction to comic books as well. Overall, I would keep this book as a good read but maybe have an easier fiction read to go alongside it, if that makes sense? It can get a bit long winded in parts and I found towards the end I was slogging through it, but there were other chapters that just flew by.
So there you have it, a good read, very informative and interesting, but a bit hard to get through at times. Please let me know what you're currently reading and what you would rate it in the comments below!
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